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We will discuss the architecture of the RUN System Platform, which consists of three main components: Resource, Workflow, and Interface/Screen.


When creating a conventional application, we usually start by creating a database. This database is used to store the data that will be used by the application we are building. The same goes for applications built using the RUN System Platform.

In the Resource component, we can start by creating an Entity from scratch or using existing Resources. Existing Resources can be an External Database or an API. These Resources serve as the entry point to the data that will be used by the application we are building.


Workflow is where we create processes that will be performed on the data within the Resource. These processes can include data manipulation (Pre Process/Post Process), data display, and data access.

We can customize these processes according to the needs of the application we are building. We can also align these processes with the business processes within our company.


Interface/Screen is where we create the user interface that will be seen by the application users. This interface can be either static or dynamic. The dynamic interface can display data from the processes within the Workflow.

We can also customize this interface to meet the needs of the application we are building.