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Invite Team Member

The system allows you to invite team members to join the organization. Here are the steps to invite team members:

Note: only user with admin role can invite team members to join the organization

On Admin Side

  1. Log in to the application
  2. Click the Account Setting menu on right top of the page
  3. Click the Organization Member menu
  4. Click the Invite Member button
  5. Fill in the email and role of the team member you want to invite
  6. Click the Invite button
  7. The team member will receive an email invitation to join the organization

Accept Invitation

  1. Open the email that has been sent to you
  2. inside the email, click the Accept Invitation button
  3. You will be redirected to the registration page
  4. Fill in the registration form with the required data
  5. Click the Register button
  6. You will be redirected to the login page