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Visualization is visual representations of data. Visualizing data helps to uncover patterns, trends, and relationships in your data. In a report, you can create more than one visualization. By default, a visualization with type Table is created automatically on a report.

Creating a New Visualization

  1. Open New Visualization Modal

    There are two ways to open the new visualization modal :

    • From Data Source tab, Click Add Visualization button on top right of the Result section. Add Visualization from Data Source

    • From Visualization tab, Click tab Visualization then Click New Visualization button Add Visualization

  2. Enter a unique Visualization Name.

  3. Select a Visualization Type. At this time, there are 5 available visualization type Table, Bar Chart, Line Chart, Pie Chart, Counter:


    Tables are a powerful tool for visualizing data that requires precise, detailed, and comprehensive presentation. They are particularly useful for large datasets, multiple categories, and scenarios where exact values need to be displayed and compared.


    TitleThe title of tableList of employee
    ColumnSettings for each column to be displayed in the tableEmployee name, Gender

    Bar Chart

    Bar charts are a powerful tool for visualizing categorical data due to their simplicity, versatility, and ability to highlight key trends and comparisons effectively.


    TitleThe title of tableList of employee
    X Axis DataSelected data for xAxisName, Date
    Y Axis DataSelected data for yAxisScore, Sales
    Show LegendShow or hide the Legend-
    Show Data TooltipShow or hide the data tooltip when the bar is hovered-
    XAxis TitleTitle of X AxisName
    YAxis TitleTitle of Y AxisSales
    ColorThe color of the Barblue, green

    Line Chart

    Line charts excel at showing trends and patterns by connecting data points with continuous lines


    TitleThe title of tableList of employee
    X Axis DataSelected data for xAxisName, Date
    Y Axis DataSelected data for yAxisScore, Sales
    Show LegendShow or hide the Legend-
    Show Data TooltipShow or hide the data tooltip when the bar is hovered-
    XAxis TitleTitle of X AxisName
    YAxis TitleTitle of Y AxisSales
    ColorThe color of the Line pointsblue, green

    Pie Chart

    Pie charts are excellent for displaying the proportions of a whole, making it easy to understand the relative sizes of different categories.


    TitleThe title of tableList of employee
    X Axis DataSelected data for xAxisName, Date
    Y Axis DataSelected data for yAxisScore, Sales
    ColorThe color of the segment of each datablue, green


    Counters are excellent for displaying specific value of the data compared to the target data.


    TitleThe title of tableList of employee
    Counter value columnSelected column of the value dataSales
    Counter value rowSelected row of the value data0, 1, 2
    Target value columnSelected column of the target dataTarget sales
    Target value rowSelected row of the target data0, 1, 2
  4. Provide a Chart Title that describes the visualization.

  5. Choose the Selected Data for xAxis from your dataset.

  6. Choose the Selected Data for yAxis from your dataset.

  7. Configure any additional properties based on the selected chart type (e.g., bar color for bar charts, title of yAxis, etc).

  8. Click Save button. Your visualization is now displayed on the Visualization Tab

Customizing Visualization

To edit current visualization, go to Visualization Tab and click Edit button on the top right of the visualization preview.

Add Visualization from Data Source

Change any property that you want to change. Then click Save