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Composer is a place where you build your application. It is a visual development environment that allows you to create and edit your application. In Composer you can set up entities, workflows, screens, and more. You can also connect to data sources and services.

There are 5 main areas in Composer:

1. Resources


This area contains all the resources you can use to build your application. you can make entities which will be your database later to use in your application. You can use your own database what connect outside the platform or create a new one that stored in the platform.

2. Workflow


You can say workflow is a endpoint if we refer it to the App Development. Workflow is a series of steps that you can use to create a process in your application. You can create a workflow that process business logic in your application.

3. Screen


Screen is a place where you can create a user interface for your application. You can create a screen that will be used to display data from your database or create a screen that will be used to input data to your database.

4. Report


Report is a place where you can create a report for your application. You can create a report that will be used to display data from your database or create a report that will be used to display data from your database. When you create a report, you can attach it to a screen by using Report Component, there are 2 types of report component, Table and Chart.

5. Navigation


Navigation is a place where you can create a navigation for your application. You can create a navigation that will be used to navigate between screens in your application. You can place a position whether it is on the top or on the side of your application.