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External Data Source

External Data Source allow you connect to your own Database instance outside Platform Entities, right now External Data Source only used on Reporting. You only can run query to read data from Platform. The following Databases are supported by Platform.

  1. PostgreSQL
  2. MySQL
  3. MariaDB

Connect to PostgreSQL

  1. Select Application -> Compose.

  2. Go to Resource and select tab External Data Source

  3. Click Add Connection and select PostgreSQL Connect to PostgreSQL

  4. Fill the parameter Connect to PostgreSQL a. Host : Host is network address of the machine where the PostgreSQL server is running. It could be an IP address or a domain name

    b. Port : The port number to connect to at the server host, by default PostgreSQL use 5432

    c. Database Name: Database name that you want connect

    d. User : Username for authenticate to PostgreSQL server

    e. Password : Password for authenticate to PostgreSQL server

    f. SSL : SSL Mode for connection to to PostgreSQL server

    g. Schema : Default schema used on this connection

  5. Make sure all parameter filled correctly.

  6. After all field is fill, click Save Button.

Connect to MySQL

  1. At External Data Source menu click Add Connection select MySQL

  2. Fill the parameter Connect to Mysql a. Host : Host is network address of the machine where the MySQL server is running. It could be an IP address or a domain name

    b. Port : The port number to connect to at the server host, by default MySQL use 3306

    c. Database Name: Database name that you want connect

    d. User : Username for authenticate to MySQL server

    e. Password : Password for authenticate to MySQL server

  3. Make sure all parameter filled correctly.

  4. After all field is fill, click Save Button.

Connect to MariaDB

  1. At External Data Source menu click Add Connection select MariaDB

  2. Fill the parameter Connect to MariaDB a. Host : Host is network address of the machine where the MariaDB server is running. It could be an IP address or a domain name

    b. Port : The port number to connect to at the server host, by default MariaDB use 3306

    c. Database Name: Database name that you want connect

    d. User : Username for authenticate to MariaDB server

    e. Password : Password for authenticate to MariaDB server

  3. Make sure all parameter filled correctly.

  4. After all field is fill, click Save Button.

Test Connection

To test if all parameter is valid click Test Connection Button.

Success Connect Connect to PostgreSQL Failed Connect Connect to PostgreSQL



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