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All About Component

On web and mobile platforms, components are the building blocks of your app's UI. They are reusable UI elements that can be used to create a user interface. Components can be simple, like a button, or complex, like a report. They can be used to create a variety of UI elements, such as forms, lists, and navigation menus.

Types of Components

There are various types of components that you can use to build your app's UI. Some of the most common types of components include:


Action components are used to perform an action when a user interacts with them.



Basic components are simple components that are used to display information.

Heading Text


Layout components are used to organize other components on the screen. Examples of layout components include box and tabs.

Box Tabs


Data components are used to display data in your app. Examples of data components include report and tables.

Table Report


Input components are used to collect user input. Examples of input components include text fields and select.

Input Field Select Checkbox Radio Text Area Form Media Attachment Multi Input